Professional equipment sales
Air Environment Products Pty Ltd is the exclusive distributor of the full range of Scentroid professional odour sampling and testing products.
We service and distribute the Scentroid product range throughout Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands.
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Scentroid SM100
Ultra-Portable Personal Olfactometer
The Scentroid SM100 is the world’s most advanced personal olfactometer. This odour measurement device is easy to use and allows the user to accurately and cost effectively measure odour concentration at the source, in ambient air or in a laboratory. The SM100 is operated manually and uses no electronic components.
Scentroid SM100i
Ultra-Portable Intelligent Personal Olfactometer
The Scentroid SM100i is the next evolution of the world’s most advanced personal olfactometer. This odour measurement device is easy to use and allows the user to accurately and cost effectively measure odour concentration at the source, in ambient air or in a laboratory. The SM100i is the fully automated, intelligent version of the SM100 and is operated via an Android smart phone or tablet device. The device can conduct full odour analysis including Yes/No, Forced Choice and Hedonic Tone test modes in full accordance with the Australian and international standards.

Scentroid SS400
Portable Six-Station Laboratory Olfactometer
The Scentroid SS400 is an advanced, mobile laboratory olfactometer capable of odour measurement to Australian and all other international standards, including odour concentration, intensity and hedonic tone measurement using Yes/No and binary forced-choice methods. Fully transportable in a hard, shockproof and watertight carrying case with accompanying clean air supply module, the instrument can be deployed within minutes after travel to site. The instrument’s dilution range is an impressive 4 to 65,536 (2^2 to 2^16) dilutions. The SS400 is the world’s only portable olfactometer that accommodates six seated panellists where measurements are made by two assessors at a time to increase test speed and efficiency. The SS400 also seamlessly integrates with Scentroid’s Laboratory Information Management Software (LIMS) for complete automated panellist screening, sample tracking, analysis reporting, and other routine operations.
Scentroid SC300
Portable Laboratory Olfactometer
The Scentroid SC300 is an advanced, mobile laboratory olfactometer capable of odour measurement to Australian and all other international standards, including odour concentration, intensity and hedonic tone measurement using Yes/No and binary forced-choice methods. Durable, fully transportable and able to be deployed in minutes, the olfactometer comprises all stainless steel wetted parts, and mass flow controllers are used to monitor and adjust both the sample and dilution air streams for setting high accuracy dilution ratios regardless of variations in ambient temperature and pressure. The instrument’s dilution range is an impressive 8 to 131,072 (2^3 to 2^17) dilutions. Each measurement is made one at a time by the odour assessors.

Scentroid SC300P
Portable Laboratory Olfactometer with EEG and FNIR Capabilities
- The Scentroid SC300P (Scientific Olfactometer) is a specialized multi-sensory olfactometer with EEG and FNIR capabilities for advanced psychological and physiological research and treatment. The SC300-P has been used by researchers and doctors to treat a variety of disorders including post-traumatic stress disorder. The SC300P (Scientific Olfactometer with EEG Capabilities) is more than just an olfactometer, but a true multi-sensory stimuli instrument. Up to 8 odours can be connected to the instrument and programmed to be administered to the panellist at various concentrations. Images, videos, and audio stimuli can be simultaneously administered by the SC300P (Scientific Olfactometer with EEG Capabilities) via its external monitor to provide complete sensory immersion.

Scentroid SS600
Ultimate Six-Station Laboratory Olfactometer
The Scentroid SS600 is the world’s most advanced stationary, dynamic and fully automated laboratory olfactometer. The instrument is capable of odour measurement to Australian and all other international standards, including odour concentration, intensity and hedonic tone measurement using Yes/No, binary and triangular forced-choice methods. With unrivalled performance, the SS600 allows for six simultaneous panellist measurements, shorter sample analysis time, high accuracy mass flow controllers, and advanced contamination control. This results in the SS600 providing an incredible return on investment by minimising operational costs through time savings and reduced sample volume, purge and cleaning times.
Scentroid SL50 Scentinal
Compact Air Quality and Odour Monitoring Station
- The Scentroid SL50 Scentinal provides an accurate, low cost option for the monitoring of multiple individual air pollutants and odorous gases such as H2S, ammonia, VOCs and SO2. The highly flexible and intelligent monitor allows continuous, real-time monitoring and data capture on Scentroid’s cloud servers. The monitor can be deployed to measure high concentration (ppm level) emissions at the source or low concentration (ppb level) constituents in ambient air. Odour emission is reported in OU based on correlation determined with periodic measurements using field olfactometry. Up to 20 sensors can be optionally installed from a large list of available sensors including NOx, SO2, CO, PM10, PM2.5, total reduced sulphides (TRS), VOC (using a PID), H2S, ammonia, methane and formaldehyde.

Scentroid DR1000
Flying Laboratory – Drone Environmental Monitoring
Scentroid’s drone mountable DR1000 is a highly portable and flexible, six sensor flying air quality monitor. Monitor previously difficult to sample emission plumes and ambient air up to 150 metres above the ground. Five gas and one particulate sensors can be customised at the time of purchase and used in combination with thermal imaging, GPS positioning and altitude to provide for 3D mapping of your site’s air emissions.

Scentroid DR2000
Flying Laboratory – Drone Environmental Monitoring and Air Quality Analyzer
Scentroid’s drone mountable DR2000 is a flying air quality monitor that improves on the DR1000 model. At a lighter sleeker design, the DR2000 boasts a 12 hour battery life, shorter sensor warm-up times, and thermal imaging capability. highly portable and flexible, six sensor flying air quality monitor. The Scentroid DR2000 can also now be equipped with a miniature state-of-the-art pumping system to allow for the collection and storage of air samples within a sampling bag. This model provides a robust platform to conduct both impact assessments and air quality measurements for a wide range of applications. This includes the monitoring of fugitive emissions, flare emissions, leak detection along oil pipelines, landfill methane, odour emissions, military or emergency applications, urban scanning, and much, much more.
Scentroid TR8+
Scentroid’s TR8+ Pollutracker is a portable, cost-effective, multi-pollutant air quality monitoring station. This instrument allows the user to measure hundreds of gases using an array of up to 10 sensors including Photo-Ionisation Detectors (PID), Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR), Electrochemical and Metal Oxide sensors. The TR8+ Pollutracker includes a built-in 25.4 cm touchscreen interface, on-device data logging and wireless transfer via email, remote (internet based) firmware update, built-in sampling pump, simultaneous data analysis of all gases, built-in rechargeable battery, on-screen calibration procedure and external decontamination device. The instrument can take snapshot or continuous real-time measurements of high concentration (ppm level) emissions at the source or low concentration (ppb level) constituents in ambient air, as well as GPS position, sampling time, temperature and relative humidity. Measurements can also be made on collected bag samples.

Scentroid TR8
Scentroid’s TR8+ Pollutracker is a portable, cost-effective, multi-pollutant air quality monitoring station. This instrument allows the user to measure hundreds of gases using an array of up to 10 sensors including Photo-Ionisation Detectors (PID), Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR), Electrochemical and Metal Oxide sensors. The TR8+ Pollutracker includes a built-in 25.4 cm touchscreen interface, on-device data logging and wireless transfer via email, remote (internet based) firmware update, built-in sampling pump, simultaneous data analysis of all gases, built-in rechargeable battery, on-screen calibration procedure and external decontamination device. The instrument can take snapshot or continuous real-time measurements of high concentration (ppm level) emissions at the source or low concentration (ppb level) constituents in ambient air, as well as GPS position, sampling time, temperature and relative humidity. Measurements can also be made on collected bag samples.

HW20 HVAC Warden
HVAC Companion
The Scentroid HVAC Warden will keep your facility occupants safe by providing real-time air quality monitoring based on high accuracy detection of dangerous gases, including the temperature and humidity of the sample. Instead of letting your HVAC run constantly, the warden helps to reduce energy costs by sending monitored information to the building’s ventilation system control system and then optimizes air change rates. This energy-saving concept was designed for hospitals, laboratories, and university research centres with high air change rates per hour.

Compact Air Quality Monitor and Analyzer
The CTair monitoring station is a fixed unit that collects information from a variety of sensors and presents the data in an easy-to-understand graphical interface (SIMS2) accessible by mobile device or with your computer. By applying information collected from multiple data points, the CTair allows the user to gain a complete understanding of the chemical compounds being monitored. It has been designed to be dispatched into a network of CTair units. Due to its lightweight design, the CTair unit can easily be installed and mounted to a light fixture or utility pole.

Continuous Indoor Ambient Air Monitor
Scentroid’s AQSafe indoor air quality monitor observes indoor air quality with up to 12 sensor varieties, including pressure, temperature, relative humidity, and GPS. Sensor detection ranges from dust (PM1, 2.5, and 10), noise, radiation, and many other chemical compounds found indoors. The AQSafe features a compact, low-profile design. It is both easy to install and operate. Not only has it been proven for long-term stability, but all sensors have been calibrated and prepared for your space. The AQSafe features built-in software for graphical representation, statistical data, and alarm systems. The touch screen incorporates control over a variety of advanced gas sensor technologies, designed to monitor the target gases (which can be specified at the time of ordering).

US20 Urban Scanner
Mobile Smart City Air Quality Monitor
The Urban Scanner™ is a complete platform that provides detailed air quality information within urban landscapes. It achieves this by collecting and combing through a variety of information such as air pollution concentration, a 3D map of the city, traffic conditions, micro-weather patterns, and more. Urban Scanner data is collected using a weather-proof, easily mountable device installed on the roof of a vehicle. The data is then processed using sophisticated AI-based algorithms in order to extract key information and correlate them to an air quality value at any location within a sampling environment. An advanced deep learning algorithm is then used to generate geospatial predictions of urban pollution. The beauty of this is that with enough collected data, the system can provide pollution concentration values for locations that the Urban Scanner has not even sampled. The model can also be used to identify polluted zones and pinpoint the source(s) of local pollution.
Scentroid SF450
Flux Chamber
- The Scentroid SF450 Flux chamber is used to determine levels of emissions from solid or liquid surfaces. The SF450 has a 100% solid stainless steel construction to ensure zero cross contamination. Flotation is achieved using 4 stainless steel floats eliminating the need for rubber tubes or foam making the unit easy to clean and maintain.

Scentroid SW60
Wind Tunnel
The Scentroid SW60 Wind Tunnel or Ventilated Sampling Hood is designed according to the Lindvall concept with Scentroid’s high standards of design and usability. A series of internal fins direct uniform air flow through the tunnel, while the tunnel’s body is lightweight and durable making it highly portable and able to be operated by a single field technician. The wind tunnel is constructed from a PTFE-coated aluminium composite with no plastic parts, making it contamination resistant and easy to clean. The unit comes with a pair of floats for deployment on liquid surfaces and a portable, battery operated blower with built-in carbon filter for clean air supply.
Scentroid SH50, SH25
Static Sampling Hood
The Scentroid SH50 and SH25 Static Hood samplers provide an easy to use and contaminant-free solution for taking air samples from bio-filter beds and other surfaces that have a positive air flow. The all stainless steel construction ensures easy decontamination. The stack disassembles for ease of transportation.

Scentroid DS5
Stack Diluting Sampler
The Scentroid DS5 Stack Sampler is an easy-to-use device that provides accurate pre-dilution of high temperature gas emissions with nitrogen or zero-air to minimize condensation inside the sample bag or pre-dilute high concentration odour streams. Dilution is achieved inside the heated probe and can be controlled from ratios of 1:3 to 1:305 in 14 steps. With a backpack containing a micro-nitrogen or zero-air tank and simple one push operation, the DS5 is a reliable, fast, and easy way to use dilute gas emissions during stack sampling.
Scentroid VC10, VC25 & VC50
Sample Vacuum Chambers
- The Scentroid range of Vacuum Chambers are easy to use, portable and cost-effective air sample collection devices. Vacuum chambers are used to pull samples directly without dilution from stack, ambient air, or other sampling devices such as a flux chamber or wind tunnel. The Scentroid Vacuum Chambers come in multiple sizes to fit bags of up to 10L, 25L, and even 50L. The larger models (VC25, and VC50) are equipped with two powerful built-in sample pumps for drawing vacuum samples and expelling purge air, and the sampling pump is capable of taking variable flow rate samples up to 12 LPM, even in negative pressure conditions. The Scentroid Vacuum Chambers come with high-capacity batteries that can be recharged using wall or automotive power plugs. Not only does the Scentroid Vacuum Chamber provide a clear viewing window, but also built-in LED lights illuminate the sample bag to ease filling operation.

Scentroid Gas Sample Bags
Nalophan, PTFE, Tedlar or Stainless Steel
Choose from Nalophan, PTFE, Tedlar or Stainless Steel gas sample bag materials for specific sampling applications and cost considerations.
All bag types come with your choice of PTFE or Stainless steel fittings. Bags are sold in a range of sizes or can be custom manufactured on request. Nalophan bag making kits and bag rolls are also available.
Scentroid SK5
N-Butanol Sensitivity Kit
The Scentroid SK5 Sensitivity Kit is designed to provide accurate n-butanol mixtures of 5 to 50 ppm from a liquid n-butanol source. The n-butanol mixture can then be used to screen odour assessors using the Scentroid SM100, or any other Scentroid Olfactometer, in accordance with Australia and international standards. The mixture is accurate and repeatable thanks to the fixed volume evaporation chamber and micro-litre syringe. The n-butanol sensitivity kit provides an easy alternative to travelling with and storing pressurized reference gas cylinders.

Scentroid SP20
Heated Air Purger
- The Scentroid SP20 Heated Air Purger is a revolutionary device designed to provide an effective and reliable cleaning solution for olfactometers, sample bags, PTFE lines, and other equipment which may be contaminated with odours. The SP20 Heated Air Purger uses both hot air and a high vacuum to quickly and effectively decontaminate all sampling equipment including PTFE tubes, sample bags, and probes. The SP20 provides heated air at exactly the temperature required. For example, PTFE sample bags should be purged at 150°C,while Tedlar at 100°C and Stainless steel at 200°C. SP20 provides complete automated operation by supplying heated air and then switching to vacuum mode on a predefined cycle frequency.
Scentroid SP50
Oxidation Purger
- The Scentroid SP50 Oxidisation Purger is a revolutionary device designed to provide an effective and reliable cleaning solution for olfactometers, sample bags, PTFE lines, probes and other equipment which may be contaminated with odours. The SP50 uses oxidising molecules such as ozone and hydroxyl to quickly and effectively decontaminate and disinfect all sampling equipment. It injects ozone at the exact concentration required, which can easily be adjusted when needed – the higher you go the quicker your product is disinfected. The SP50 provides complete automated operation by injecting ozone and then switching to vacuum mode on a predefined cycle frequency.

Scentroid TOMS
Total Odour Management System
- Scentroid’s Total Odour Management System (TOMS) is your complete software solution for managing a site’s odour footprint. Keep track of the odour impact of your plant’s emissions in real-time using AERMOD dispersion model predictions based on current weather data from your on-site weather station and odour concentration measurements using an SM100 field Olfactometer. View current graphical representations of odour impact and make decisions about your process to manage those impacts.
Odour complaints are easily managed for analysis and recall and can be verified against your on-site weather data.